Source code for pvrpm.core.simulation

import os
import time
import warnings
import multiprocessing as mp
from typing import List

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.stats as stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from datetime import datetime
from tqdm import tqdm

from pvrpm.core.enums import ConfigKeys as ck
from import SamCase
from pvrpm.core.components import Components
from pvrpm.core.utils import summarize_dc_energy, component_degradation
from pvrpm.core.logger import logger

[docs]def cf_interval(alpha: float, std: float, num_samples: int) -> float: """ Calculates the two tails margin of error given the desired input. The margin of error is the value added and subtracted by the sample mean to obtain the confidence interval Sample sizes less then equal to 30 use t score, greater then 30 use z score Args: alpha (float): The significance level for the interval std (float): The standard deviation of the data num_samples (int): The number of samples in the data Returns: float: The margin of error """ # two tails alpha = alpha / 2 if num_samples > 30: score = stats.norm.ppf(alpha) else: score = stats.t.ppf(1 - alpha, num_samples - 1) return score * std / np.sqrt(num_samples)
[docs]def simulate_day(case: SamCase, comp: Components, day: int): """ Updates and increments the simulation by a day, performing all neccesary component updates. Args: case (:obj:`SamCase`): The current Sam Case of the simulation comp (:obj:`Components`): The components class containing all the outputs for this simulation day (int): Current day in the simulation """ # static monitoring starts the day, if available. This is updated independently of component levels comp.update_indep_monitor(day) for c in ck.component_keys: if not case.config.get(c, None): continue df = comp.comps[c] # if component can't fail, just continue if case.config[c][ck.CAN_FAIL]: # decrement time to failures for operational modules # fail components when their time has come comp.update_fails(c, day) # update monitoring comp.update_monitor(c, day) if case.config[c][ck.CAN_REPAIR]: # repair components when they are done and can be repaired comp.update_repairs(c, day) if case.config[c].get(ck.WARRANTY, None): df["time_left_on_warranty"] -= 1 # availability if c == ck.GRID: # for the grid only, the availability is based on the full 24-hour day. df.loc[df["state"] == 0, "avail_downtime"] += 24 else: # else, use the sun hours for this day df.loc[df["state"] == 0, "avail_downtime"] += case.daylight_hours[day % 365] # module can still degrade even if it cant fail if case.config[c].get(ck.DEGRADE, None): df["days_of_degradation"] += 1 df["degradation_factor"] = [ component_degradation(case.config[c][ck.DEGRADE] / 365, d) for d in df["days_of_degradation"] ]
[docs]def run_system_realization( case: SamCase, seed: bool = False, realization_num: int = 0, progress_bar: bool = False, debug: int = 0, ) -> Components: """ Run a full realization for calculating costs Args: case (:obj:`SamCase`): The loaded and verified case to use with the simulation seed (bool, Optional): Whether to seed the random number generator, for multiprocessing realization_num (int, Optional): Current realization number, used for multiprocessing progress_bar (bool, Optional): Whether to display progress bar during the realization debug (int, Optional): Whether to save simulation state every `debug` days (0 to turn off) Returns: :obj:`Components`: The components object which contains all the data for this realization """ if seed: np.random.seed() # data storage comp = Components(case) lifetime = case.config[ck.LIFETIME_YRS] if case.config[ck.TRACKING]: comp.tracker_power_loss_factor[0] = 1 comp.tracker_availability[0] = 1 # initial timestep comp.module_degradation_factor[0] = comp.current_degradation() comp.dc_power_availability[0] = comp.dc_availability() comp.ac_power_availability[0] = comp.ac_availability() if progress_bar: iterator = tqdm( range(1, lifetime * 365), ascii=True, desc=f"Running realization {realization_num}", unit="day", position=mp.current_process()._identity[0], leave=False, ) else:"Running realization {realization_num}...") iterator = range(1, lifetime * 365) for i in iterator: # calculate new labor rate each year if i == 1 or i % 365 == 0: year = np.floor(i / 365) inflation = np.power(1 + case.config[ck.INFLATION] / 100, year) comp.update_labor_rates(case.config[ck.LABOR_RATE] * inflation) # Decided to remove since it doesnt make sense for only trackers to rise with inflation and not # all other failures. Plus, this was broken. # need to store original cost of tracker failures for each failure and increase based on that cost # also need to take in concurrent failures # if case.config[ck.TRACKING]: # for fail in case.config[ck.TRACKER][ck.FAILURE].keys(): # case.config[ck.TRACKER][ck.FAILURE][fail][ck.COST] *= inflation # save state if debugging if debug > 0 and i % debug == 0: state_dict = comp.snapshot() folder = f"debug_day_{i}" save_path = os.path.join(case.config[ck.RESULTS_FOLDER], folder) os.makedirs(save_path, exist_ok=True) for key, val in state_dict.items(): val.to_csv(os.path.join(save_path, f"{key}_state.csv"), index=True) # timestep is applied each day simulate_day(case, comp, i) if case.config[ck.TRACKING]: comp.tracker_availability[i], comp.tracker_power_loss_factor[i] = comp.tracker_power_loss(i) comp.module_degradation_factor[i] = comp.current_degradation() comp.dc_power_availability[i] = comp.dc_availability() comp.ac_power_availability[i] = comp.ac_availability() # create same performance adjustment tables for avail, degradation, tracker losses if case.config[ck.TRACKING]: daily_dc_loss = 100 * ( 1 - (comp.dc_power_availability * comp.module_degradation_factor * comp.tracker_power_loss_factor) ) else: daily_dc_loss = 100 * (1 - (comp.dc_power_availability * comp.module_degradation_factor)) daily_ac_loss = 100 * (1 - comp.ac_power_availability) case.value("en_dc_lifetime_losses", 1) case.value("dc_lifetime_losses", list(daily_dc_loss)) case.value("en_ac_lifetime_losses", 1) case.value("ac_lifetime_losses", list(daily_ac_loss)) o_m_yearly_costs = np.zeros(lifetime) for c in ck.component_keys: if not case.config.get(c, None): continue comp_yearly_cost = np.sum(np.reshape(comp.costs[c], (lifetime, 365)), axis=1) o_m_yearly_costs += comp_yearly_cost case.value("om_fixed", list(o_m_yearly_costs)) case.simulate() # add the results of the simulation to the components class and return comp.timeseries_dc_power = case.output("dc_net") comp.timeseries_ac_power = case.value("gen") comp.lcoe = (case.output("lcoe_real"), case.output("lcoe_nom")) comp.npv = case.get_npv() # remove the first element from cf_energy_net because it is always 0, representing year 0 comp.annual_energy = np.array(case.output("cf_energy_net")[1:]) # more results, for graphing and what not try: comp.tax_cash_flow = case.output("cf_after_tax_cash_flow") except AttributeError: comp.tax_cash_flow = case.output("cf_pretax_cashflow") for loss in ck.losses: try: comp.losses[loss] = case.output(loss) except: comp.losses[loss] = 0 return comp
[docs]def gen_results(case: SamCase, results: List[Components]) -> List[pd.DataFrame]: """ Generates results for the given SAM case and list of component objects containing the results of each realization. Args: case (:obj:`SamCase`): The loaded and verified case to use with the simulation results (:obj:`list(Components)`): List of component objects that contain the results for each realization Returns: :obj:`list(pd.DataFrame)`: List of dataframes containing the results. Note: The order of the returned dataframes is: - Summary Results - Degradation Results - DC Power - AC Power - Yearly Costs """ summary_index = ["Base Case"] summary_data = {"lcoe_real": [case.base_lcoe[0]], "lcoe_nominal": [case.base_lcoe[1]], "npv": [case.base_npv]} lifetime = case.config[ck.LIFETIME_YRS] p_vals = [99, 95, 90, 75, 50, 10] # ac energy cumulative_ac_energy = np.cumsum(case.base_annual_energy) for i in range(int(lifetime)): summary_data[f"annual_ac_energy_{i+1}"] = [case.base_annual_energy[i]] # split up so the order of columns is nicer for i in range(int(lifetime)): summary_data[f"cumulative_ac_energy_{i+1}"] = [cumulative_ac_energy[i]] # dc energy for i in range(len(case.base_dc_energy)): summary_data[f"dc_energy_{i+1}"] = [case.base_dc_energy[i]] # TODO: also, need to clean this up, i just use dictionaries and fill in blanks for base case, but this can be much cleaner # per realization results day_index = np.arange(lifetime * 365) + 1 timeseries_index = np.arange(len(results[0].timeseries_dc_power)) year_index = np.arange(lifetime) + 1 yearly_cost_index = [] degradation_data = {} timeseries_dc_data = {} timeseries_ac_data = {} yearly_cost_data = {} yearly_fail_data = {} for i, comp in enumerate(results): # daily degradation degradation_data[f"Realization {i+1}"] = comp.module_degradation_factor # power timeseries_dc_data[f"Realization {i+1}"] = comp.timeseries_dc_power timeseries_ac_data[f"Realization {i+1}"] = comp.timeseries_ac_power # yearly cost and total fails for each component yearly_cost_index.append(f"Realization {i+1}") for c in ck.component_keys: if not case.config.get(c, None): continue if c not in yearly_cost_data: yearly_cost_data[c] = [] if c not in yearly_fail_data: yearly_fail_data[c] = [] yearly_cost_data[c] += list(np.sum(np.reshape(comp.costs[c], (lifetime, 365)), axis=1)) # add total fails per year for each failure mode for this component level total_fails = np.zeros(lifetime * 365) for f in comp.summarize_failures(c).values(): total_fails += f yearly_fail_data[c] += list(np.sum(np.reshape(total_fails, (lifetime, 365)), axis=1)) # summary summary_index.append(f"Realization {i+1}") summary_data["lcoe_real"] += [comp.lcoe[0]] summary_data["lcoe_nominal"] += [comp.lcoe[1]] summary_data["npv"] += [comp.npv] # ac energy # remove the first element from cf_energy_net because it is always 0, representing year 0 cumulative_ac_energy = np.cumsum(comp.annual_energy) for i in range(int(lifetime)): summary_data[f"annual_ac_energy_{i+1}"] += [comp.annual_energy[i]] summary_data[f"cumulative_ac_energy_{i+1}"] += [cumulative_ac_energy[i]] # dc energy dc_energy = summarize_dc_energy(comp.timeseries_dc_power, lifetime) for i in range(len(dc_energy)): summary_data[f"dc_energy_{i+1}"] += [dc_energy[i]] # calculate total failures, availability, mttr, mtbf, etc for c in ck.component_keys: if not case.config.get(c, None): continue if f"{c}_total_failures" not in summary_data: summary_data[f"{c}_total_failures"] = [None] # no failures for base case if f"{c}_mtbf" not in summary_data: summary_data[f"{c}_mtbf"] = [None] if f"{c}_mttr" not in summary_data: summary_data[f"{c}_mttr"] = [None] if f"{c}_mttd" not in summary_data: summary_data[f"{c}_mttd"] = [None] if case.config[c][ck.CAN_FAIL]: sum_fails = comp.comps[c]["cumulative_failures"].sum() summary_data[f"{c}_total_failures"] += [sum_fails] for fail in case.config[c].get(ck.FAILURE, {}).keys(): if f"{c}_failures_by_type_{fail}" not in summary_data: summary_data[f"{c}_failures_by_type_{fail}"] = [None] summary_data[f"{c}_failures_by_type_{fail}"] += [comp.comps[c][f"failure_by_type_{fail}"].sum()] # partial failures for fail in case.config[c].get(ck.PARTIAL_FAIL, {}).keys(): if f"{c}_failures_by_type_{fail}" not in summary_data: summary_data[f"{c}_failures_by_type_{fail}"] = [None] summary_data[f"{c}_failures_by_type_{fail}"] += [comp.comps[c][f"failure_by_type_{fail}"].sum()] # if the component had no failures, set everything here and continue if sum_fails == 0: summary_data[f"{c}_mtbf"] += [lifetime * 365] summary_data[f"{c}_mttr"] += [0] summary_data[f"{c}_mttd"] += [0] else: # mean time between failure summary_data[f"{c}_mtbf"] += [lifetime * 365 * case.config[c][ck.NUM_COMPONENT] / sum_fails] # mean time to repair if case.config[c][ck.CAN_REPAIR]: # take the number of fails minus whatever components have not been repaired by the end of the simulation to get the number of repairs sum_repairs = sum_fails - len(comp.comps[c].loc[(comp.comps[c]["state"] == 0)]) if sum_repairs > 0: summary_data[f"{c}_mttr"] += [comp.total_repair_time[c] / sum_repairs] else: summary_data[f"{c}_mttr"] += [0] else: summary_data[f"{c}_mttr"] += [0] # mean time to detection (mean time to acknowledge) if ( case.config[c][ck.CAN_MONITOR] or case.config[c].get(ck.COMP_MONITOR, None) or case.config[c].get(ck.INDEP_MONITOR, None) ): # take the number of fails minus the components that have not been repaired and also not be detected by monitoring mask = (comp.comps[c]["state"] == 0) & (comp.comps[c]["time_to_detection"] > 1) sum_monitor = sum_fails - len(comp.comps[c].loc[mask]) if sum_monitor > 0: summary_data[f"{c}_mttd"] += [comp.total_monitor_time[c] / sum_monitor] else: summary_data[f"{c}_mttd"] += [0] else: summary_data[f"{c}_mttd"] += [0] else: # mean time between failure summary_data[f"{c}_total_failures"] += [0] summary_data[f"{c}_mtbf"] += [lifetime * 365] summary_data[f"{c}_mttr"] += [0] summary_data[f"{c}_mttd"] += [0] # availability if f"{c}_availability" not in summary_data: summary_data[f"{c}_availability"] = [None] summary_data[f"{c}_availability"] += [ ( 1 - (comp.comps[c]["avail_downtime"].sum() / (lifetime * case.annual_daylight_hours)) / case.config[c][ck.NUM_COMPONENT] ) ] # generate dataframes summary_results = pd.DataFrame(index=summary_index, data=summary_data) = "Realization" # reorder columns for summary results reorder = list(summary_results.columns[0:2]) # lcoe and npv reorder += list(summary_results.columns[lifetime * 3 + 2 :]) # failures and avail reorder += list(summary_results.columns[2 : lifetime * 3 + 2]) # energy summary_results = summary_results[reorder] degradation_results = pd.DataFrame(index=day_index, data=degradation_data) dc_power_results = pd.DataFrame(index=timeseries_index, data=timeseries_dc_data) ac_power_results = pd.DataFrame(index=timeseries_index, data=timeseries_ac_data) = "Hour" = "Hour" = "Day" cost_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([yearly_cost_index, year_index], names=["Realization", "Year"]) yearly_cost_results = pd.DataFrame(index=cost_index, data=yearly_cost_data) yearly_cost_results["total"] = yearly_cost_results.sum(axis=1) # fails per year, same multi index as cost yearly_fail_results = pd.DataFrame(index=cost_index, data=yearly_fail_data) yearly_fail_results["total"] = yearly_fail_results.sum(axis=1) stats_append = [] summary_no_base = summary_results.iloc[1:] min = summary_no_base.min() = "min" stats_append.append(min) max = summary_no_base.max() = "max" stats_append.append(max) mean = summary_no_base.mean() = "mean" stats_append.append(mean) median = summary_no_base.median() = "median" stats_append.append(median) std = summary_no_base.std() = "stddev" stats_append.append(std) conf_interval = case.config[ck.CONF_INTERVAL] conf_int = cf_interval(1 - (conf_interval / 100), std, case.config[ck.NUM_REALIZATION]) lower_conf = mean - conf_int = f"{conf_interval}% lower confidence interval of mean" stats_append.append(lower_conf) upper_conf = mean + conf_int = f"{conf_interval}% upper confidence interval of mean" stats_append.append(upper_conf) # p test, which is using the ppf of the normal distribituion with our calculated mean and std. We use scipy's functions for this # see for p in p_vals: values = [] # calculate the p value for every column for m, s in zip(mean, std): if s != 0: # for columns with no STDDEV values.append(stats.norm.ppf((1 - p / 100), loc=m, scale=s)) else: values.append(None) # save results values = pd.Series(values, index=mean.index) = f"P{p}" stats_append.append(values) # since pandas wants to depercate append, gotta convert series into dataframes summary_results = pd.concat([summary_results, *[s.to_frame().transpose() for s in stats_append]]) return [ summary_results, degradation_results, dc_power_results, ac_power_results, yearly_cost_results, yearly_fail_results, ]
[docs]def graph_results(case: SamCase, results: List[Components], save_path: str = None) -> None: """ Generate graphs from a list of Component objects from each realization Args: case (:obj:`SamCase`): The loaded and verified case to use with the simulation results (:obj:`list(Components)`): List of component objects that contain the results for each realization save_path (str, Optional): Path to save graphs to, if provided """ lifetime = case.config[ck.LIFETIME_YRS] colors = [ "r", "g", "b", "c", "m", "y", "k", "tab:orange", "tab:brown", "lime", "tab:gray", "indigo", "navy", "pink", "coral", "yellow", "teal", "fuchsia", "palegoldenrod", "darkgreen", ] # base case data to compare to base_losses = case.base_losses base_load = np.array(case.base_load) if case.base_load is not None else None base_ac_energy = np.array(case.base_ac_energy) base_annual_energy = np.array(case.base_annual_energy) base_tax_cash_flow = np.array(case.base_tax_cash_flow) # parse data avg_ac_energy = np.zeros(len(case.base_ac_energy)) # since length is variable based on frequency of weather file avg_annual_energy = np.zeros(lifetime) avg_losses = np.zeros(len(ck.losses)) avg_tax_cash_flow = np.zeros(lifetime + 1) # add 1 for year 0 avg_failures = np.zeros((len(ck.component_keys), lifetime * 365)) # 7 types of components # computing the average across every realization for comp in results: avg_ac_energy += np.array(comp.timeseries_ac_power) avg_annual_energy += np.array(comp.annual_energy) avg_losses += np.array(list(comp.losses.values())) avg_tax_cash_flow += np.array(comp.tax_cash_flow) for i, c in enumerate(ck.component_keys): if not case.config.get(c, None): continue for f in comp.summarize_failures(c).values(): avg_failures[i] += f # monthly and annual energy avg_ac_energy /= len(results) avg_annual_energy /= len(results) avg_losses /= len(results) avg_tax_cash_flow /= len(results) avg_failures /= len(results) # sum up failures to be per year avg_failures = np.sum(np.reshape(avg_failures, (len(ck.component_keys), lifetime, 365)), axis=2) # determine the frequency of the data, same as frequncy of supplied weather file total = int(len(avg_ac_energy) / lifetime) if total == 8760: freq = 1 else: freq = 0 while total > 8760: freq += 1 total /= freq avg_ac_energy = np.reshape(avg_ac_energy[0::freq], (lifetime, 8760)) # yearly energy by hour avg_ac_energy = np.sum(avg_ac_energy, axis=0) / lifetime # yearly energy average avg_ac_energy = np.reshape(avg_ac_energy, (365, 24)) # day energy by hour avg_day_energy_by_hour = avg_ac_energy.copy() # copy for heatmap yearly energy generation avg_ac_energy = np.sum(avg_ac_energy, axis=1) # energy per day base_ac_energy = np.reshape(base_ac_energy[0::freq], (lifetime, 8760)) base_ac_energy = np.sum(base_ac_energy, axis=0) / lifetime base_ac_energy = np.reshape(base_ac_energy, (365, 24)) base_day_energy_by_hour = base_ac_energy.copy() # copy for heatmap yearly energy generation base_ac_energy = np.sum(base_ac_energy, axis=1) # daily load, load is the same between realizations and base if base_load is not None: base_load = np.reshape(base_load, (365, 24)) base_load = np.sum(base_load, axis=1) avg_losses = {k: v for k, v in zip(ck.losses, avg_losses)} # create losses dictionary # calculate per month energy averaged across every year on every realization current_month = datetime(datetime.utcnow().year, 1, 1) # relative deltas allow dynamic month lengths such that each month has the proper number of days delta = relativedelta(months=1) start = 0 monthly_energy = {} monthly_load = {} base_monthly_energy = {} for _ in range(12): month = current_month.strftime("%b") num_days = ((current_month + delta) - current_month).days # number of days in this month monthly_energy[month] = np.sum(avg_ac_energy[start : start + num_days]) base_monthly_energy[month] = np.sum(base_ac_energy[start : start + num_days]) if base_load is not None: monthly_load[month] = np.sum(base_load[start : start + num_days]) current_month += delta start += num_days fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True) fig.set_figheight(5) fig.set_figwidth(10), list(monthly_energy.values())) ax1.set_title("Realization Average") ax1.set_xlabel("Month") ax1.set_ylabel("kWh"), list(base_monthly_energy.values())) ax2.set_title("Base Case") ax2.set_xlabel("Month") ax2.set_ylabel("kWh") fig.suptitle("Monthly Energy Production") fig.tight_layout() if save_path: plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, "Average Monthly Energy Production.png"), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) else: plt.close() # clear plot # graph the monthly energy against the monthly load if base_load is not None: fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True) fig.set_figheight(5) fig.set_figwidth(10) ind = np.arange(len(monthly_energy)) - 0.2, list(monthly_energy.values()), width=0.4, label="AC Energy") + 0.2, list(monthly_load.values()), width=0.4, color="tab:gray", label="Electricity Load") ax1.set_title("Realization Average") ax1.set_xlabel("Month") ax1.set_xticks(ind) ax1.set_xticklabels(labels=list(monthly_energy.keys())) ax1.set_ylabel("kWh") - 0.2, list(base_monthly_energy.values()), width=0.4) + 0.2, list(monthly_load.values()), width=0.4, color="tab:gray") ax2.set_title("Base Case") ax2.set_xlabel("Month") ax2.set_xticks(ind) ax2.set_xticklabels(labels=list(monthly_energy.keys())) ax2.set_ylabel("kWh") fig.legend() fig.suptitle("Monthly Energy and Load") fig.tight_layout() if save_path: plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, "Average Monthly Energy and Load.png"), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) else: plt.close() # clear plot fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True) fig.set_figheight(5) fig.set_figwidth(10) # add 1 to have years 1->25 + 1, avg_annual_energy) ax1.set_title("Realization Average") ax1.set_xlabel("Year") ax1.set_ylabel("kWh") + 1, base_annual_energy) ax2.set_title("Base Case") ax2.set_xlabel("Year") ax2.set_ylabel("kWh") fig.suptitle("Annual Energy Production") fig.tight_layout() if save_path: plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, "Average Annual Energy Production.png"), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) else: plt.close() # clear plot # this helper function just makes it easier since the base case requires this as well def gen_loss_data(losses): # losses loss_data = { "POA front-side shading loss": losses["annual_poa_shading_loss_percent"], "POA front-side soiling loss": losses["annual_poa_soiling_loss_percent"], "POA front-side reflection (IAM) loss": losses["annual_poa_cover_loss_percent"], "DC module deviation from STC": losses["annual_dc_module_loss_percent"], "DC inverter MPPT clipping loss": losses["annual_dc_mppt_clip_loss_percent"], "DC mismatch loss": losses["annual_dc_mismatch_loss_percent"], "DC diodes and connections loss": losses["annual_dc_diodes_loss_percent"], "DC wiring loss": losses["annual_dc_wiring_loss_percent"], "DC tracking loss": losses["annual_dc_tracking_loss_percent"], "DC nameplate loss": losses["annual_dc_nameplate_loss_percent"], "DC power optimizer loss": losses["annual_dc_optimizer_loss_percent"], "DC performance adjustment loss": losses["annual_dc_perf_adj_loss_percent"], "AC inverter power clipping loss": losses["annual_ac_inv_clip_loss_percent"], "AC inverter power consumption loss": losses["annual_ac_inv_pso_loss_percent"], "AC inverter night tare loss": losses["annual_ac_inv_pnt_loss_percent"], "AC inverter efficiency loss": losses["annual_ac_inv_eff_loss_percent"], "AC wiring loss": losses["ac_loss"], "Transformer loss percent": losses["annual_xfmr_loss_percent"], "AC performance adjustment loss": losses["annual_ac_perf_adj_loss_percent"], "AC transmission loss": losses["annual_transmission_loss_percent"], } return loss_data loss_data = gen_loss_data(avg_losses) base_loss_data = gen_loss_data(base_losses) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True) fig.set_figheight(5) fig.set_figwidth(10) for i, (k, c) in enumerate(zip(sorted(list(loss_data.keys())), colors)):, loss_data[k], width=0.3, color=c, label=k), base_loss_data[k], width=0.3, color=c) ax1.set_title("Realization Average") ax2.set_title("Base Case") # remove x axis labels ax1.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax2.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax1.set_ylabel("Percent") ax2.set_ylabel("Percent") fig.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.8, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5)) fig.suptitle("Annual Energy Loss") fig.tight_layout() if save_path: plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, "Annual Energy Loss.png"), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) else: plt.close() # clear plot # heatmap of ac energy averaged throughout each year fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True) fig.set_figheight(5) fig.set_figwidth(10) # calculate the min/max value of the base case and realizations for coloring consistency vmin = np.amin([np.amin(avg_day_energy_by_hour), np.amin(base_day_energy_by_hour)]) vmax = np.amax([np.amax(avg_day_energy_by_hour), np.amax(base_day_energy_by_hour)]) # transpose so the x axis is day cb = ax1.pcolormesh( np.arange(365), np.arange(24), avg_day_energy_by_hour.T, cmap="plasma", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, shading="auto" ) ax2.pcolormesh( np.arange(365), np.arange(24), base_day_energy_by_hour.T, cmap="plasma", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, shading="auto" ) ax1.set_title("Realization Average") ax1.set_xlabel("Day") ax1.set_ylabel("Hour") ax2.set_title("Base Case") ax2.set_xlabel("Day") ax2.set_ylabel("Hour") fig.suptitle("Yearly System Power Generated (kW)") fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([1, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7]) fig.colorbar(cb, cax=cbar_ax) with warnings.catch_warnings(): # matplotlib sucks warnings.simplefilter("ignore") fig.tight_layout() if save_path: plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, "Yearly System Power Generated.png"), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) else: plt.close() # clear plot fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True) fig.set_figheight(5) fig.set_figwidth(10) + 1), avg_tax_cash_flow) ax1.set_title("Realization Average") ax1.set_xlabel("Year") ax1.set_ylabel("USD") + 1), base_tax_cash_flow) ax2.set_title("Base Case") ax2.set_xlabel("Year") ax2.set_ylabel("USD") # determine if stored value is pretax or after tax cash flow, depending on financial model flow = None try: case.output("cf_after_tax_cash_flow") flow = "After" except AttributeError: case.output("cf_pretax_cashflow") flow = "Pre" fig.suptitle(f"{flow} Tax Cash Flow for System Lifetime") fig.tight_layout() if save_path: plt.savefig( os.path.join(save_path, f"{flow} Tax Cash Flow for System Lifetime.png"), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200 ) else: plt.close() # clear plot # box plot for lcoe lcoe = np.array([comp.lcoe[0] for comp in results]) plt.boxplot(lcoe, vert=True, labels=["LCOE"]) plt.title("LCOE Real Box Plot for Realizations") plt.ylabel("LCOE (cents/kWh)") plt.tight_layout() if save_path: plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, "LCOE Real Box Plot.png"), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) else: plt.close() # clear plot lcoe = np.array([comp.lcoe[1] for comp in results]) plt.boxplot(lcoe, vert=True, labels=["LCOE"]) plt.title("LCOE Nominal Box Plot for Realizations") plt.ylabel("LCOE (cents/kWh)") plt.tight_layout() if save_path: plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, "LCOE Nominal Box Plot.png"), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) else: plt.close() # clear plot # number of failures per component per year averaged across the realizations for i, c in enumerate(ck.component_keys): if not case.config.get(c, None) or np.count_nonzero(avg_failures[i]) == 0: continue plt.plot(np.arange(lifetime) + 1, avg_failures[i], marker="o", markersize=5, color=colors[i]) plt.xlabel("Year") plt.ylabel("Number of Failures") plt.title(f"Number of failures for {c} per year") plt.tight_layout() if save_path: plt.savefig( os.path.join(save_path, f"{c.capitalize()} Failures Per Year.png"), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200 ) else: plt.close() # plot total number of failures plt.plot( np.arange(lifetime) + 1, np.sum(avg_failures, axis=0).T, label="total", marker="o", markersize=5, color="lime" ) plt.xlabel("Year") plt.ylabel("Number of Failures") plt.title(f"Total number of failures per year") plt.tight_layout() if save_path: plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, f"Total Failures Per Year.png"), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=200) else: plt.close()
[docs]def pvrpm_sim( case: SamCase, save_results: bool = False, save_graphs: bool = False, progress_bar: bool = False, debug: int = 0, threads: int = 1, ) -> List[Components]: """ Run the PVRPM simulation on a specific case. Results will be saved to the folder specified in the configuration. Args: case (:obj:`SamCase`): The loaded and verified case to use with the simulation save_results (bool, Optional): Whether to save output csv results save_graphs (bool, Optional): Whether to save output graphs progress_bar (bool, Optional): Whether to display progress bar for each realization debug (int, Optional): Whether to save simulation state every `debug` days (0 to turn off) threads (int, Optional): Number of threads to use for paralizing realizations Returns: :obj:`list(Components)`: Returns the list of results Component objects for each realization """ # tqdm multiprocessing setup mp.freeze_support() # for Windows support tqdm.set_lock(mp.RLock()) # for managing output contention save_path = case.config[ck.RESULTS_FOLDER] lifetime = case.config[ck.LIFETIME_YRS] if threads <= -1: threads = mp.cpu_count() elif threads == 0: threads = 1"Running base case simulation...") start = time.time() case.base_case_sim()"Base case simulation took: {:.2f} seconds".format(time.time() - start)) # realize what we are doing in life results = [] args = [(case, True, i + 1, progress_bar, debug) for i in range(case.config[ck.NUM_REALIZATION])] with mp.Pool(threads, initializer=tqdm.set_lock, initargs=(tqdm.get_lock(),)) as p: results = p.starmap(run_system_realization, args)"Generating results...") # gen all those results ( summary_results, degradation_results, dc_power_results, ac_power_results, yearly_cost_results, yearly_fail_results, ) = gen_results( case, results, ) # finally, graph results if save_graphs: graph_results(case, results, save_path=save_path)"Graphs saved to {save_path}") else: graph_results(case, results) # save results if save_results: summary_results.to_csv(os.path.join(save_path, "PVRPM_Summary_Results.csv"), index=True) degradation_results.to_csv(os.path.join(save_path, "Daily_Degradation.csv"), index=True) dc_power_results.to_csv(os.path.join(save_path, "Timeseries_DC_Power.csv"), index=True) ac_power_results.to_csv(os.path.join(save_path, "Timeseries_AC_Power.csv"), index=True) yearly_cost_results.to_csv(os.path.join(save_path, "Yearly_Costs_By_Component.csv"), index=True) yearly_fail_results.to_csv(os.path.join(save_path, "Yearly_Failures_By_Component.csv"), index=True)"Results saved to {save_path}") return results