Source code for pvrpm.core.modules.failure

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from pvrpm.core.enums import ConfigKeys as ck
from import SamCase
from pvrpm.core.utils import sample, get_higher_components
from pvrpm.core.modules.monitor import IndepMonitor

[docs]class Failure(ABC): """ This abstract class defines how a failure should be set up """
[docs] def __init__( self, level: str, comp_level_df: pd.DataFrame, case: SamCase, indep_monitoring: IndepMonitor = None, ): """ Initalizes a failure instance Args: level (str): The component level this failure is apart of comp_level_df (:obj:`pd.DataFrame`): The component level dataframe containing the simulation data case (:obj:`SamCase`): The SAM case for this simulation indep_monitoring (:obj:`IndepMonitoring`, Optional): For updating static monitoring during simulation """ super().__init__() self.level = level self.df = comp_level_df = case self.fails_per_day = {} self.indep_monitoring = indep_monitoring self.last_failure_day = 0 self.mean = None self.initialize_components()
[docs] @abstractmethod def initialize_components(self): """ Initalizes failure data for all components to be tracked during simulation for this failure type Note: Updates the underlying dataframes in place """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def reinitialize_components(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Reinitalize components in a dataframe similiar to the inital initalization. Used for when repairs or other things may occur Args: df (:obj:`pd.DataFrame`): The dataframe containing the components to reinitalize Returns: :obj:`pd.DataFrame`: The reinitalized components """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def update(self, day: int): """ Perform a failure update for one day in the simulation: Changes state of a component to failed, incrementing failures and checking warranty only for failed components of each failure type Args: day (int): Current day in the simulation Note: Updates the underlying dataframes in place """ pass
[docs]class TotalFailure(Failure): """ Describes how a total failure of a component should operate """
[docs] def initialize_components(self): component_info =[self.level] df = self.df failure_modes = list(component_info.get(ck.FAILURE, {}).keys()) self.mean = {} # init mean for each failure mode possible_failure_times = np.zeros((component_info[ck.NUM_COMPONENT], len(failure_modes))) for i, mode in enumerate(failure_modes): self.mean[mode] = 0 # initalize failure mode by type df[f"failure_by_type_{mode}"] = 0 fail = component_info[ck.FAILURE][mode] if fail.get(ck.FRAC, None) or fail.get(ck.DECAY_FRAC, None): frac = fail[ck.FRAC] if ck.FRAC in fail else fail[ck.DECAY_FRAC] # choose a percentage of components to be defective sample_ = np.random.random_sample(size=component_info[ck.NUM_COMPONENT]) defective = sample_ < frac sample_ = sample(fail[ck.DIST], fail[ck.PARAM], component_info[ck.NUM_COMPONENT]) # only give a possible failure time if the module is defective, otherwise it is set to numpy max float value (which won't be used) possible_failure_times[:, i] = np.where(list(defective), sample_, np.finfo(np.float32).max) else: # setup failure times for each component possible_failure_times[:, i] = sample(fail[ck.DIST], fail[ck.PARAM], component_info[ck.NUM_COMPONENT]) # initalize failures per day for this failure mode self.fails_per_day[mode] = np.zeros([ck.LIFETIME_YRS] * 365) failure_ind = np.argmin(possible_failure_times, axis=1) df["time_to_failure"] = np.amin(possible_failure_times, axis=1) df["failure_type"] = [failure_modes[i] for i in failure_ind]
[docs] def reinitialize_components(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: component_info =[self.level] failure_modes = list(component_info.get(ck.FAILURE, {}).keys()) fraction_failures = [] num_repaired = len(df) possible_failure_times = np.zeros((num_repaired, len(failure_modes))) for i, mode in enumerate(failure_modes): fail = component_info[ck.FAILURE][mode] if fail.get(ck.FRAC, None) or fail.get(ck.DECAY_FRAC, None): frac = 0 if fail.get(ck.FRAC, None): fraction_failures.append(mode) frac = fail[ck.FRAC] else: frac = fail[ck.DECAY_FRAC] # choose a percentage of modules to be defective sample_ = np.random.random_sample(size=num_repaired) defective = sample_ < frac sample_ = sample(fail[ck.DIST], fail[ck.PARAM], num_repaired) # only give a possible failure time if the module is defective, otherwise it is set to numpy max float value (which won't be used) possible_failure_times[:, i] = np.where( list(defective), sample_, np.finfo(np.float32).max, ) else: # setup failure times for each component possible_failure_times[:, i] = sample(fail[ck.DIST], fail[ck.PARAM], num_repaired) failure_ind = np.argmin(possible_failure_times, axis=1) df["time_to_failure"] = np.amin(possible_failure_times, axis=1) df["failure_type"] = [failure_modes[i] for i in failure_ind] # now, need to make sure that our fractional failures percentages are met for all components in this level # TODO: need to speed this up somehow if fraction_failures: # removes the diminishing effect where at the beginning of the simulation frac modules are a defective failure, then frac of frac is defective, etc. # possible failure times will also include whatever the current failure time is for the component, if its less then a defective one it doesn't change possible_failure_times = np.zeros((len(self.df), len(fraction_failures) + 1)) possible_failure_times.fill(np.finfo(np.float32).max) # NOTE: i think i should just instead of doing the whole df, find the fraction, then sample that fraction from the components and just update those using the same method below for i, mode in enumerate(fraction_failures): counts = (self.df["failure_type"].astype(str) == mode).sum() frac = counts / len(self.df) fail = component_info[ck.FAILURE][mode] if frac >= fail[ck.FRAC]: continue sample_ = np.random.random_sample(size=len(self.df)) # we just want the difference in fractions to bump it up to the failure fraction defective = sample_ < (fail[ck.FRAC] - frac) sample_ = sample(fail[ck.DIST], fail[ck.PARAM], len(self.df)) # only give a possible failure time if the module is defective, otherwise it is set to numpy max float value (which won't be used) possible_failure_times[:, i] = np.where( list(defective), sample_, np.finfo(np.float32).max, ) possible_failure_times[:, -1] = self.df["time_to_failure"] failure_ind = np.argmin(possible_failure_times, axis=1) types = [] for comp, i in enumerate(failure_ind): if i != len(fraction_failures): types.append(fraction_failures[i]) else: types.append(self.df["failure_type"].iloc[comp]) self.df["time_to_failure"] = np.amin(possible_failure_times, axis=1) self.df["failure_type"] = np.array(types).astype(str) return df
[docs] def update(self, day: int): df = self.df # decrement time to failures for operational modules # TODO: change this to state > 0 once partial failures implemented df["time_to_failure"] -= 1 failure_modes = list([self.level][ck.FAILURE].keys()) # TODO: change this to state > 0 once partial failures implemented mask = (df["state"] == 1) & (df["time_to_failure"] < 1) failed_comps = df.loc[mask].copy() if len(failed_comps) > 0: self.last_failure_day = day failed_comps["time_to_failure"] = 0 failed_comps["cumulative_failures"] += 1 for fail in failure_modes: fail_mask = failed_comps["failure_type"].astype(str) == fail failed_comps.loc[fail_mask, f"failure_by_type_{fail}"] += 1 self.fails_per_day[fail][day] += len(failed_comps.loc[fail_mask]) warranty_mask = failed_comps["time_left_on_warranty"] <= 0 failed_comps.loc[warranty_mask, "cumulative_oow_failures"] += 1 failed_comps["state"] = 0 # update time to detection times for component levels with only independent monitoring # which will have None for monitor times try: if failed_comps["monitor_times"].isnull().any(): # monitor and time to detection will be the time to next indep monitoring indep_monitors = list([self.level][ck.INDEP_MONITOR].keys()) # next indep monitoring is the min of the possible indep monitors for this component level failed_comps["monitor_times"] = np.amin(self.indep_monitoring.indep_monitoring[indep_monitors]) # in order to calculate the time to detection for component levels only monitoring by an # independment monitoring with a threshold (no interval), need to instead # set the nans that will be there to the day in the simulation when these components failed # so it can be calculated later failed_comps["monitor_times"] = failed_comps["monitor_times"].fillna(day) failed_comps["time_to_detection"] = None # failed_comps["monitor_times"].copy() # fails if no monitoring defined, faster then just doing a check if the column exists or whatever except KeyError: pass df.loc[mask] = failed_comps else: # check to see when last failure was for fraction failure, and update components with new failures # if its been longer then the mean time of the distribution # this is so if repairs arent occuring due to poor monitoring, failures are still occuring failure_modes = list([self.level].get(ck.FAILURE, {}).keys()) fraction_failures = [] for mode in failure_modes: fail =[self.level][ck.FAILURE][mode] if fail.get(ck.FRAC, None): # extract mean, since some distributions might not have mean defined in params if self.mean[mode] == 0: self.mean[mode] = sample(fail[ck.DIST], fail[ck.PARAM], 10000).mean() if day > (self.mean[mode] + self.last_failure_day): fraction_failures.append(mode) self.last_failure_day = day for mode in fraction_failures: # fail new fraction of components # possible failure times will also include whatever the current failure time is for the component, if its less then a defective one it doesn't change possible_failure_times = np.zeros((len(self.df), len(fraction_failures) + 1)) possible_failure_times.fill(np.finfo(np.float32).max) # NOTE: i think i should just instead of doing the whole df, find the fraction, then sample that fraction from the components and just update those using the same method below for i, mode in enumerate(fraction_failures): fail =[self.level][ck.FAILURE][mode] sample_ = np.random.random_sample(size=len(self.df)) defective = sample_ < fail[ck.FRAC] sample_ = sample(fail[ck.DIST], fail[ck.PARAM], len(self.df)) # only give a possible failure time if the module is defective, otherwise it is set to numpy max float value (which won't be used) possible_failure_times[:, i] = np.where( list(defective), sample_, np.finfo(np.float32).max, ) possible_failure_times[:, -1] = self.df["time_to_failure"] failure_ind = np.argmin(possible_failure_times, axis=1) types = [] for comp, i in enumerate(failure_ind): if i != len(fraction_failures): types.append(fraction_failures[i]) else: types.append(self.df["failure_type"].iloc[comp]) self.df["time_to_failure"] = np.amin(possible_failure_times, axis=1) self.df["failure_type"] = np.array(types).astype(str)
[docs]class PartialFailure(Failure): """ Specifies a decrease in the state of a component via a failure Unlike total failures, every defined partial failure will have its own object, instead of manaing all of them at once """
[docs] def __init__( self, level: str, comp_level_df: pd.DataFrame, case: SamCase, mode: str, indep_monitoring: IndepMonitor = None, ): """ Initalizes a partial failure instance Args: level (str): The component level this failure is apart of comp_level_df (:obj:`pd.DataFrame`): The component level dataframe containing the simulation data case (:obj:`SamCase`): The SAM case for this simulation mode (str): The name of the partial failure mode indep_monitoring (:obj:`IndepMonitoring`, Optional): For updating static monitoring during simulation """ self.mode = mode super().__init__(level, comp_level_df, case, indep_monitoring=indep_monitoring)
[docs] def initialize_components(self): component_info =[self.level] df = self.df mode = self.mode failure_times = None # initalize failure mode by type df[f"failure_by_type_{mode}"] = 0 fail = component_info[ck.PARTIAL_FAIL][mode] if fail.get(ck.FRAC, None) or fail.get(ck.DECAY_FRAC, None): frac = fail[ck.FRAC] if ck.FRAC in fail else fail[ck.DECAY_FRAC] # choose a percentage of components to be defective sample_ = np.random.random_sample(size=component_info[ck.NUM_COMPONENT]) defective = sample_ < frac sample_ = sample(fail[ck.DIST], fail[ck.PARAM], component_info[ck.NUM_COMPONENT]) # only give a possible failure time if the module is defective, otherwise it is set to numpy max float value (which won't be used) failure_times = np.where(list(defective), sample_, np.nan) else: # setup failure times for each component failure_times = sample(fail[ck.DIST], fail[ck.PARAM], component_info[ck.NUM_COMPONENT]) # initalize failures per day for this failure mode self.fails_per_day = {self.mode: np.zeros([ck.LIFETIME_YRS] * 365)} df[f"time_to_failure_{mode}"] = failure_times
[docs] def reinitialize_components(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: component_info =[self.level] num_repaired = len(df) fraction_failure = False failure_times = None mode = self.mode fail = component_info[ck.PARTIAL_FAIL][mode] if fail.get(ck.FRAC, None) or fail.get(ck.DECAY_FRAC, None): if fail.get(ck.FRAC, None): fraction_failure = True frac = fail[ck.FRAC] else: frac = fail[ck.DECAY_FRAC] # choose a percentage of modules to be defective sample_ = np.random.random_sample(size=num_repaired) defective = sample_ < frac sample_ = sample(fail[ck.DIST], fail[ck.PARAM], num_repaired) # only give a possible failure time if the module is defective, otherwise it is set to nan, partial failure is not applied failure_times = np.where(list(defective), sample_, np.nan) else: # setup failure times for each component failure_times = sample(fail[ck.DIST], fail[ck.PARAM], num_repaired) df[f"time_to_failure_{mode}"] = failure_times # now, need to make sure that our fractional failure percentage is met for all components in this level # TODO: need to speed this up somehow if fraction_failure: # removes the diminishing effect where at the beginning of the simulation frac modules are a defective failure, then frac of frac is defective, etc. # NOTE: i think i should just instead of doing the whole df, find the fraction, then sample that fraction from the components and just update those using the same method below # number currently with failure mode is going to be the number non nan time_to_failures counts = self.df[f"time_to_failure_{mode}"].isna() update_df = self.df.loc[counts].copy() frac = (~counts).sum() / len(self.df) if frac >= fail[ck.FRAC]: return df sample_ = np.random.random_sample(size=len(update_df)) # we just want the difference in fractions to bump it up to the failure fraction defective = sample_ < (fail[ck.FRAC] - frac) sample_ = sample(fail[ck.DIST], fail[ck.PARAM], len(update_df)) # only give a possible failure time if the module is defective, otherwise it is set to numpy max float value (which won't be used) failure_times = np.where( list(defective), sample_, np.nan, ) update_df[f"time_to_failure_{mode}"] = failure_times self.df.loc[counts] = update_df return df
[docs] def update(self, day: int): df = self.df # decrement time to failures df[f"time_to_failure_{self.mode}"] -= 1 mask = (df["state"] == 1) & (df[f"time_to_failure_{self.mode}"] < 1) failed_comps = df.loc[mask].copy() if len(failed_comps) > 0: self.last_failure_day = day failed_comps["cumulative_failures"] += 1 failed_comps[f"failure_by_type_{self.mode}"] += 1 self.fails_per_day[self.mode][day] += len(failed_comps) warranty_mask = failed_comps["time_left_on_warranty"] <= 0 failed_comps.loc[warranty_mask, "cumulative_oow_failures"] += 1 failed_comps["state"] = 0 # update time to detection times for component levels with only static monitoring # which will have None for monitor times try: if failed_comps["monitor_times"].isnull().any(): # monitor and time to detection will be the time to next static monitoring indep_monitors = list([self.level][ck.INDEP_MONITOR].keys()) # next static monitoring is the min of the possible static monitors for this component level failed_comps["monitor_times"] = np.amin(self.indep_monitoring.indep_monitoring[indep_monitors]) # in order to calculate the time to detection for component levels only monitoring by an # independment monitoring with a threshold (no interval), need to instead # set the nans that will be there to the day in the simulation when these components failed # so it can be calculated later failed_comps["monitor_times"] = failed_comps["monitor_times"].fillna(day) failed_comps["time_to_detection"] = None # failed_comps["monitor_times"].copy() # fails if no monitoring defined, faster then just doing a check if the column exists or whatever except KeyError: pass df.loc[mask] = failed_comps else: # check to see when last failure was for fraction failure, and update components with new failures # if its been longer then the mean time of the distribution # this is so if repairs arent occuring due to poor monitoring, failures are still occuring fail =[self.level][ck.PARTIAL_FAIL][self.mode] if fail.get(ck.FRAC, None): # extract mean, since some distributions might not have mean defined in params if not self.mean: self.mean = sample(fail[ck.DIST], fail[ck.PARAM], 10000).mean() if day > (self.mean + self.last_failure_day): # fail new fraction of components counts = self.df[f"time_to_failure_{self.mode}"].isna() update_df = self.df.loc[counts].copy() sample_ = np.random.random_sample(size=len(update_df)) # we just want the difference in fractions to bump it up to the failure fraction defective = sample_ < fail[ck.FRAC] sample_ = sample(fail[ck.DIST], fail[ck.PARAM], len(update_df)) # only give a possible failure time if the module is defective, otherwise it is set to numpy max float value (which won't be used) failure_times = np.where( list(defective), sample_, np.nan, ) update_df[f"time_to_failure_{self.mode}"] = failure_times self.df.loc[counts] = update_df self.last_failure_day = day